Crappies are not only fun to catch; they are also delicious when grilled. Crappies can be prepared in many ways that will end up as tasty meals, but there is a preference for grilling crappies because it has a lot of fish oil. The common grilling recipes help to keep all the flavor and juices in which makes the meal even tastier.
Before we discuss some grilling recipes you can try at home, let’s talk about some grilling tips everyone should know. These grilling tips will help you get only the best results when you grill crappies.
Grilled Crappie Recipes and Tips
Clean your grill
You may have grilled chicken wings last weekend, or other foods. This means there may be residue on the grate that may spoil the results of your grilled crappies. You should ensure that your grill is clean and ready for the next grilling experience.
Ensure your crappies are well oiled
The first challenge you may encounter when grilling crappies is that the body of the crappie sticks to the grill. This can be quite a messy experience, and your grilled crappies may not end up looking as appetizing as you expected. To prevent your crappies from sticking to the grill make sure you have properly oiled the crappies body after cleaning. Your grate should also be well oiled.
Cut your fillets evenly
If your fillets are unevenly cut, there will be an inconsistency in the flavor when grilling. To ensure that you retain the smoky flavour, your fillets should be evenly cut.
Set the right temperature
Depending on the recipe you are using, your grill must be heated to the right temperature before you pace your crappies on the grate. Averagely the right temperature for your grill should be 350 degrees, but some recipes require a lower temperature.
You can choose to grill your crappies by placing it directly on the grate which improves the smoky flavor or you can grill crappies wrapped in an aluminum foil to retain the juices and flavour from the sauces and spices used for marinating.
Grilling recipes
Recipe one
Ingredients –
- Butter
- Lemon juice
- Seasoning
- Pepper
- Crappies
- oil
- Vegetable
- Aubergine
Cut your crappies into evenly sized fillets. Prepare the aluminium foil by oiling the interior part, sprinkle some seasoning. Squeeze your lemon juice and serve out a dash of butter. With a cooking brush, apply an even coat of the butter on the crappies body.
Apply a coating of lemon juice, and then sprinkle the quantity of pepper you are comfortable with on the crappie and the inner parts of the foil. Wrap the foil and put to grill.
Grill for about five minutes. At this time, the crappie fillets will begin to cook, after five minutes, open up the foil and continue grilling until you get the texture of flesh you desire.
Serve with chips and some chopped vegetables.
Recipe Two
Ingredients –
- Crappies
- Black pepper
- Salt
- Olive oil
- Lemon juice
- Paprika
- Sugar
In this grilling method, you will be cooking your crappies directly on the grate rather than inside an aluminium foil. Squeeze out your lemon juice and preserve. To a mixture of pepper and paprika, add two spoons of sugar, one teaspoon of salt, and one tablespoon of lemon juice. Before coating your crappies with the mixture, apply an even coat of olive oil on the crappies you have cleaned.
After applying your olive oil, a thin coat of the mixture should be evenly applied on the crappie fillets. Set the temperature of your grill and place the fillets to start grilling. The olive oil helps to retain the juices. Grill until the flesh reaches a texture you are satisfied with then remove the grilled fillets. Grilling should last for about two minutes if you get the temperature right.
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Feel free to try out these recipes; grilling is a healthy method of cooking crappies. And you do not have to wait a long time until your crappies are ready to be served.