There are so many options that can be used by anglers to fish for crappies. The good news is that all the fishing methods can be used to land many crappies, but you have to learn the crappie fishing tricks for your chosen method and apply them.
River crappie fishing is another delightful, rewarding, and relaxing crappie fishing experience. Did I mention that you can also catch bigger crappies? Yes, you can, and the whole family can participate in fishing for crappies along river banks because it can be done without cramping everyone in a fishing boat.
In this post, I will be discussing some essential tips that can help you land more river crappies.
First, let’s talk about some challenges that you may encounter while fishing for crappies from the shores of rivers. The most significant issue many anglers encounter is the river current.
Strong currents can make it more difficult to lure crappies. Then you need to locate bigger brush piles that serve as a cover for crappies; this can take a while for new anglers.
Setting the right tackle for river crappie fishing is another area of concern. The tackle you require is a simple set-up made up of a 5-6 foot light rod, a testing line (4-8 pounds), a suitable jig, lures, and a hook. You will also need a bobber. With this tackle, all you need to do is locate brush piles and cast your jig to attract and catch crappies.
River Crappie fishing tips
Create a cover
The best river crappie fishing experience happens when you locate a cover where large schools of crappies have gathered. So why not create your cover? You can do this by visiting the river when the water level drops very low. At this time you can set logs, boulders, and rocks at particular locations that will act as cover for crappies. And during the spawning season, when the river water has risen back to normal or higher levels, simply visit your sites and cast your jigs or set up your crappie rigs.
Locate brush piles
Brush piles beneath the river make a perfect hiding place for crappies. Using this approach from river crappie fishing may require a long search for the brush piles, but you can mark the locations you find on GPS to avoid searching the next day again. The idea is to find brush piles close to the river banks and position your lures just above the brush piles to attract the crappies hiding within. Using the right weights will help you keep your lures suspended in the right position over the brush piles.
Find Rocky River banks
These banks feature rocks of different sizes that offer a good cover for crappie. The growth of algae and the presence of bait such as shads that hide between and under these rocks also attract crappies. You may have to do a little search to find the perfect spot where large schools of crappies have hidden in the midst of the rocky banks. So keep casting your jigs to lure the crappies out, and if you catch one, it’s great news, because there are other crappies lurking around.
Search for laydowns
These are usually dead trees of different sizes that have fallen into the river. The branches beneath the river provide a good cover for crappies, so that’s where you should be fishing. Using good lures or live baits can help you attract the crappies hiding in laydowns. This tip can help you save time while river crappie fishing.
Apply these tips as often as you can; the results will be awesome. As always, ensure that you are properly dressed for the weather and wear a life jacket for safety at all times.